Dynamic Christmas music, the Gospel of Luke, and the radio drama "Marta's Manger Straw" all featured in the 2005 edition of the Lighthouse Live! Family Christmas Special!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
2005 Lighthouse Live! Family Christmas Special
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
9:14 PM
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
The Marketplace in Action! Hear stories from business owners and operators as they testify to the power of donating time, talent, and treasure to meet the needs of the community, and how AVC is partnering with business to help create healthier neighborhoods! Special guests include: Joe Traina, Scott Kerr, Steve Lawson, Pat Chavez, John Evans, and Jon Engell.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
2:35 PM
Thursday, December 15, 2005
New AVC Video!
The AVC Story on Video--See it Here! (Broadband Version)
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Advancing Vibrant Communities
4:30 PM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Hope for Parolees! One of the toughest situations in our society is faced by released prisoners, who are trying to break away from a prison worldview to healthy societal living.
The culture shock is tough, jobs are hard to get, and without some outside resources to lean on, the likelihood of returning to prison is great.
However, HOPE is provided through Police and Corrections Team—a collaboration between law enforcement and the community, including the faith community, to provide parolees with the resources they need to make a new life for themselves!
It’s an exciting and proven way of bringing hope to not only the released prisoners, but their families as well! Guests include Wayne Davison, Gardol Wilson, John Long, and Jim Tacheira.
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Advancing Vibrant Communities
5:41 PM
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Hear the inside story of police and fire chaplains…volunteering to bring hope and comfort during life’s most difficult storms. Lighthouse Live guests are Modesto Police Chaplains Don Crooker and Ed Brodie. Would you be interested in serving as a Chaplain? This broadcast will give you a great introduction to the duties, training, and background needed to serve in this very special capacity!
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Advancing Vibrant Communities
10:09 AM
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Great Health News for Seniors! Here's great info you may not know about for senior saints ages 55 and up! From free health examinations to flu shots and more, here are some of the best kept secrets revealed for preventive health care! Guests: Public Health Nurses Jeri Van Vooren and Lyn Lundgren from Community Health Services, Dept. of Public Health.
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Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:40 PM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Caring for aging parents, family, or neighbors? Here's a wealth of information for you, from the Area Agency on Aging in Modesto! From relief for care givers, to finding rental housing, to connecting with resources you may have never heard of, this program may open the door to hope!
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Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:48 PM
Monday, November 14, 2005
Vocalist Rene Patterson and songwriter Glen Stovall join us for a close-up look at exercising God’s gifts through music, and its impact upon children and a hurting world. The broadcast features “I’m Sorry” and “Draw Me Closer” from Rene’s new CD!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:07 PM
Monday, November 07, 2005
Getting Real With God; Leaving Anxieties Behind!
Lighthouse Live! Broadcast
Who’s really driving your bus? Is it your past, your hurts, your frustrations, or other people? Ever worry about “measuring up” to other people’s expectations—even God’s expectations? Have you ever just wanted to “be real”, and get rid of that phony mask for good?
Lay aside anxieties and perfectionism, and learn how to better comfort others who are hurting during this broadcast voyage with special guest, Jim Henman, Ph.D.! We’ll discuss great nuggets of wisdom gleaned from the pages of Scripture, and explore the refreshing news that God doesn’t expect perfectionism from us…He wants us to grow through the warmth of his love and grace. Growing imperfectly is okay with God!
Dr. Jim Henman is a local psychologist and therapist, and author if “Who’s Really Driving Your Bus?” Hosted by Pastor Mike Douglass and Elaine Harlan.
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Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:02 PM
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Lighthouse Live Broadcast: Servant Hearts; Untroubled Hearts!
Pastor Dan Angove from Calvary Community Church in Manteca brings a dynamic message about the Servant Heart, and the Pastor to Pastors, Dennis Kizziar, discusses Jesus' admonition to "let not your heart be troubled." What does it mean to have an "untroubled heart", and how do we get one?
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Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:12 PM
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Fireman tell of the councilman who rowed his boat up to them…the body of his mother laying lifeless in the bottom of the boat…another victim of the hurricane. Coffins float down the streets of New Orleans. A young, pregnant 14-year-old girl is shunned and stands lonely in a disaster shelter, looking for hope.
In each situation, a follower of Christ was there to authentically demonstrate His love, grace, compassion and mercy. Hear the stories about Hurricane Katrina that the mass media hasn’t told you! Hear how the body of Christ was there from the beginning to reach out to “love your neighbor as yourself!” Guests: Sam Gibson, Michelle Kaufmann, and Mark Neely, all of whom were on scene as disaster volunteers!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:48 PM
Monday, October 17, 2005
10/17/05 Don't miss this one! Tonight's broadcast may radically change you look at life, church, and your role in God's grand design! "Many of the bedrock principles that made our nation great have been lost. These principles, known by many of our founding fathers, have not been taught in American schools, public or private, in over 150 years." Join Mike Winther of the newly established Institute for Principle Studies as we look at rediscovering the Biblical principles that may change the way you look at charity, government, the church, and your response to God's plan for your life!
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Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:33 PM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
"Let not your heart be troubled..."
What does that REALLY mean? Can we have an UN-troubled heart? YES! There is GREAT hope for the Troubled Heart.
Hear our updated interview with the pastor to pastors, Dennis Kizziar, President of World Leadership Ministries and author of the "Untroubled Heart" seminars.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
6:00 PM
Monday, October 10, 2005
10/10/05 A landmark broadcast for Lighthouse Live! We trace the origins of Advancing Vibrant Communities, and feature stories from the front lines with Pat Chavez from the Board of Directors, and volunteers Annette and Stacey Morgan, Larry Koch, and Lee Ockey! From wiping out gang graffiti, to providing new shoes for a school child, to feeding the homeless, it's all about reaching out with simple acts of service to reflect the love, grace, mercy, and compassion of Christ to our neighbors in need!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:27 PM
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
10/03/05 They're scared, they struggle with low esteem, it's tough to find a job, the culture shock is devastating, and there seems to be no hope. They are parolees coming out of prison. YET, Friends Outside is there to provide tough love, education, life skills, encouragement, and proven ways to make it on the "outside!" Here the story of Friends Outside, and the dynamic testimony of "Steven", who walks with the Lord, and thanks to Friends Outside, is making a productive life for himself!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
3:29 PM
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
09/26/05 Drugs, sex, homeless, and hopeless...she was hitting the wall until someone loved her as she was at the Modesto Gospel Mission. Hear Linda's story, and our visit with Vern and Barbara Deatherage on this week's Lighthouse Live! broadcast!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
3:53 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005
Our children are under attack...by an out of control media. Young minds are being assaulted by skewed world views promoting violence, sex, and an "everything goes" culture. How to we deal with computers, Internet, e-mail, television, radio, and iPods in the home? How do we protect our children, not to mention our own minds and hearts? Matt Davis has practical, effective, and Bible-based solutions on this week's Lighthouse Live! broadcast!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
9:39 PM
Friday, September 16, 2005
Upset about the California Judge taking "under God" out of the pledge...again? There's hope! Hear Brad Dacus from the Pacific Justice Institute weigh in on the decision, and what's in store for California and the rest of the nation! (Recorded Friday 9/16) for Lighthouse Live! Radio.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
1:05 PM
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
09/12/05 Pastor Wai Gei Yau was a Muslim religious leader and teacher of Islam. Ifuth Renshaw spent much of her life in Pakistan as a Muslim. Two sobering stories. Two dynamic Christians whose lives were transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Join Lighthouse Live! for a straightforward look at what it means to be a Muslim in the Islamic faith, and how the Lord answered two cries for Him to become ârealâ!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
6:10 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Lighthouse Live! 09/06/05. Hear about great opportunities to serve our children through after school learning programs, with guest John Ervin. And, there's a new book out--an adventure with family values and creative answers to tough questions, based upon scriptural references. Gordon Headrick is the author and teacher--hear his testimony and great details from the book!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:41 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
The broadcast that started it all! "Celebrate the Church in Action" with Pastor Lou Binninger of the Church of Glad Tidings in Yuba City, California, hosted by Pastor Michael Douglass. Literally hundreds of these tapes are out, and we still give away about 30 a month! It's a great motivator...to get people out of the four walls of their homes and churches to personally serve the needs of their neighbors!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
4:30 PM