Business people in the marketplace share God's blessings on their lives, and the importance of responding to God's call to "use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms"!
Guests: Pete Bakker (COIT), Georgia Chapman (Special Days), Pat Chavez (Quality Communications), Dr. Robert Chin (Cornerstone Family Medical Practice), John Evans (Evans Companies), Larry Koch (PMZ Realty).
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Salt and Light in the Marketplace!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
11:12 AM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
2006 Family Christmas Special!
AVC's 206 Lighthouse Live Family Christmas Special!
Exceptional Christmas music, plus a special visit with Central Valley broadcasting legend Marty Lanser (of "Flying Blind Traffic"), and the Christmas Story from Luke 2!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
1:28 AM
Monday, December 18, 2006
Missionary Todd Hunnicutt from Slovenia!
Visiting from his mission field in Slovenia, Todd Hunnicutt joins us to explore the deep need for the Gospel in this former part of Yugoslavia, how God is using Todd's experience with the Church of Modesto (Mission Greater Modesto) to help promote the unified body of Christ dynamic, and how we can pray for and support the missionary work in Slovenia!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
12:45 PM
Friday, December 15, 2006
Healing Processes from Domestic Violence
Hope for women who are victims of domestic violence, and how the church can help in better ways! How to recognize symptoms you might not readily identify; resources for both the victim and abuser; Biblical principles to consider; "do's and dont's" for helping victims. Features special guests Kristin De Araujo from Haven Women's Center, and Gaylene Terry from First Baptist Church, Modesto.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
2:22 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
Life After Life Sentence: God's Grace at Work
Hear one of our most poignant broadasts...Life After Life (Sentence). The stories of two women--abused as children, accessories to homicide as adults, both given life sentences in prison. BUT then, Jesus touched down in their lives behind the prison walls, and they are now free women--free from the prison walls, and experiencing incredible freedom in Christ! **** WARNING: Parental Advisory--This program contains low-key but honest discussions of violent crimes and sexual abuse. Not recommended for children. ****
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
5:41 PM
Monday, November 20, 2006
Thanksgiving Stories from the Front Lines!
Our Thanksgiving Special features volunteers, the people they serve, and great stories from the unknown heroes who serve in the name of Christ!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:40 PM
Monday, November 13, 2006
"KARRES" A Special Resource!
Hope for dedicated grandpas, grandmas, aunts, and uncles who are raising relatives' children with special needs! "KARRES" provides group support from people who understand! A great resource to hear about, no matter where you live!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:26 PM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The Vine House Story
Hear the story of "The Vine House", an urban ministry through LifeWind (Medical Ambassadors) in the heart of a heavy drug, gang, and prostitution area. We learn about respecting the neighborhood, "fitting in", becoming good neighbors to deeply hurting people, and bringing the Gospel in meaningful ways! Also hear the testimony of Bob Hicks--a life transformed by Christ! Guests: Cheryl Van Horn, Bob Hicks.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
10:06 PM
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Resources for Marriage! (Building, Healing, Restoring)
Lighthouse Live presents an honest look at marriage today, resources to help build strong marriages, and a special segment on Christ-centered hope for couples who must deal with the trials and tribulations of adultery.
Guests: Jim Steward, founder of the Stanislaus County Healthy Marriage Coalition; Dr. Joseph Hernandez, Clinical Psychologist; and Gary and Mona Shriver, authors of "Unfaithful" and founders of Hope and Healing Ministries.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
11:37 AM
Monday, October 23, 2006
Every Day Counts! (In School!)
Every Day Counts! It's a campaign to keep children and teens in school, with at least 95% attendance. Promoting attendance as "your job--be there!", Every Day Counts also provides a great opportunity for the faith-based community to volunteer! Guests: Jane Johnston, Jim Pfaff, and Danielle Jones from Stanislaus County Office of Education and Modesto City Schools!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:45 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
God's Amazing Plan for Change! Part 2
God's Amazing Plan for Healthy Change: Part TWO with special guest Dr.
Jim Henman, author of "Who's Really Driving Your Bus?". God is deep
and simple, yet we make him superficial and complex. We try to make
him superficial, then we wonder why His plan isn't working through us!
Join us as we pry off the superficial super-spirituality, and look
at the real stuff of being in a personal relationship with Christ!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
3:27 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
God's Amazing Plan for Healthy Change! with Dr. Jim Henman
God's Amazing Plan for Healthy Change: Part One with special guest Dr. Jim Henman, author of "Who's Really Driving Your Bus?". God is deep and simple, yet we make him superficial and complex. We try to make him superficial, then we wonder why His plan isn't working through us! Join us as we pry off the superficial super-spirituality, and look at the real stuff of being in a personal relationship with Christ!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
10:27 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006
Hope for Teens--How Parents Deal with Teen Addictions
"I was looking for help for my son...I felt a lot of shame...I was desperate...I didn't know what to do...What do you do after doing all the loving things?" Christian family. Parents doing the right thing. And a son who immersed himself into the drug culture. Prodigal Sons and Daughters was there to provide understanding, and Bible-based tools to provide HOPE! "I learned I wasn't alone!" Guests: Ken and Jane Meuers, Anthony, Linda, and Lucy. A "must listen" for parents, teens, and people who want to make a difference!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:18 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Keeping Seniors Healthy--FREE Resources!
Keeping seniors healthy and active is our focus this week, with guests from the Area Agency on Aging, and the upcoming Healthy Aging Summit, complete with flu shots, and health screening tests! Guests: Star Carson-Clearey, Carolyn Hill, and Margie Palomino.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
10:24 AM
Monday, September 18, 2006
Marriage Mentoring Ministries!
Open the door to great new marriage resources, from premarital mentoring to the top blending family ministries! Learn how to harness the power of marriage mentors--regular folks prepared with great training. Our guests are Pastors Ron McLain and Danny Sotelo from Marriage Mentoring Ministries in Fresno!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:02 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
Lives Saved, Eternities Changed!
Young women seeking genuine love and hope find an oasis at the Modesto Pregnancy Center. Hear "Whitney's" touching story about her healing some 20 years after an abortion--because a loving woman connected with her at the Center!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:32 PM
Monday, August 28, 2006
Disasters--the news is filled with them, and new threats, natural and man-made, face us more and more. Now, hear from top emergency managers as they encourage believers to step out and prepare themselves and their neighborhoods, to survive the next emergency! Guests: Chief Gary Hinshaw, Chief Russ Richards, Dale Butler, Pastor Buddy Gray, Jim Money from the American Red Cross, and David Jones.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:14 PM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Recognizing/Preventing Elder Abuse
Recognize the signs of elder abuse, know what to do, learn about resources to protect our seniors with representatives from SEAPA (Stanislaus Elder Abuse Prevention Alliance). Guests: Tammy Menezes and Monic Ramos.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
4:07 PM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Helping the Homeless--Community Resources
Parterships in the community help provide shelter, food, and other life-resources to the homeless--great stories from the front lines! Guests: Niki Lane (Director Modesto Homeless Shelter), Paul Hewitt (Compassionate Care Network), and Lee Ockey (AVC Volunteer).
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:04 PM
Monday, July 31, 2006
Partnerships Free House-Bound People!
An exciting partnership between community organizations and business provides freedom for house-bound disabled and elderly people! Guests: Society for the Handicapped in Stanislaus County and GMS Metals in Turlock.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:44 PM
Monday, July 24, 2006
Healing in Ceres--the Story the Media Has Not Told!
The people of Ceres were rocked in 2005 by the ambush-murder of a police officer--a tragedy that made national headlines. Now, experience the story the media hasn't told! Hear how proactive community relationships and worldviews grounded in faith helped put a hurting city on the healing track toward a healthy community! Guests: Mayor Anthony Canella, Police/Fire Chief and Public Safety Director Art de Werk, and Community Service Coordinator Enrique Perez.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:28 PM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
The Church in Action--the Legendary Interview!
Here's the interview that help start it all for AVC! Pastor Lou Binninger from the church of glad tidings of Yuba City, CA, shares frank and honest discussions about the role of the American church in the community, and what we need to do to be relevant again!
Literally hundreds of copies of this interview have inspired others to reach out beyond the four walls of their churches to personally meet the needs of their neighbors to be a real, meaningful ambassador for Christ!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
4:20 AM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Lighthouse Live Independence Day Special!
An hour of incredible music to celebrate Independence Day--a tribute to God's blessing, and our deep heritage of freedom.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:45 PM
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Resources to Heal: Crisis Center
Honest talk about domestic violence, anger management, parenting, and Christ-centered resources that can change lives! Special Guest: Linda Byrd from the South County Crisis Center. Includes principles and resources anyone, anywhere can use.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
10:56 AM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Father's Day Special: Pastor Ron Blanc, Rev. Darwin and Yolanda Benjamin
061206 AVC salutes dads, and the spiritual and practical influences of godly fathers. Special Guests: Pastor Ron Blanc, Rev. Darwin and Yolanda Benjamin.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
4:04 PM
Monday, June 05, 2006
The Da Vinci Code Unraveled!
Lighthouse Live! presents an in-depth look at the deceptions and inaccuracies contained within the Da Vinci Code book and an opportunity to share truth! Guests: Dr. Aubrey McGann, Pastor Dave Broyles, Dan and Lori Fryck.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
9:10 PM
Friday, May 26, 2006
Pastor John Nielsen from Hayward, CA shares cutting edge resources for Christian recovery and communication (for relationships and business)!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
5:55 PM
Monday, May 15, 2006
Stories from the front lines--three men from Youth With a Mission and New Hope Church are in it for the long term, reaching out and loving those in need!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:05 PM
Monday, May 08, 2006
Mothers' Day Special!
Join Lighthouse Live! for a tribute to godly mothers who are having generational impacts upon their families!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:50 PM
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Habitat for Humanity!
Habitat for Humanity is our focus, along with Thrivent Financial (helping fund new homes for hard working applicants)! Hear details about serving with Habitat, and testimonies from a family who will be moving into a Habitat home soon!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
2:48 PM
Monday, April 24, 2006
Tim and Shirley Salter provide updates on "Healing Nations" and their 8-month missions experience in West Africa.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:06 PM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Pray With Us for Your City!
Join us in a radio prayer walk through your own community with special guests, Rev. Ben Jennings, and Pastor Chuck Adams. We encourage you to prayer walk your neighborhood, or drive by special areas in your community and pray with us as you listen to the broadcast. Reaching our neighborhoods for Christ begins on our knees, and we’d be honored to join you via this special prayer-focused program!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
9:53 AM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
After hitting the wall in the drug culture and doing five years in
prison, Christ radically changed his life. Gardol now manages “None
Forgotten Sober Living Homes”, bringing the real hope that Christ
offers to ex-convicts and addicts. This is the compelling story of
Gardol Wilson, a walking testimony to the awe-inspiring transforming
power of Jesus Christ!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
5:43 PM
Monday, March 27, 2006
New Opportunities Open Up as Tattoos are Removed for Released Prisoners and Ex-Gangsters!
Prison/gang tattoos last a lifetime, but people now want something different for their children, and they want a fair playing field for employment as well! Now, local doctors, businesses, and the Chuck Muncie Foundation bind together to provide tattoo removal, in exchange for 40 hours of community service per removal session! Attorney Bob Fores, Investigator Jack Able, and Agent Wayne Davison from the State are our special guests for tonight's broadcast.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:35 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
Living in Grateful Humility--The Process of Change!
Change is tough! But God understands, and expects that we will grow imperfectly! Great nuggets from Scripture about life change, acceptance, mercy, and getting real about who we are in Christ! Our special guest is Modesto Psychologist/Therapist Dr. Jim Henman.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:01 PM
Monday, March 13, 2006
Dennis Whitman--Teen Challenge Special!
Teen Challenge serves young people needing real hope and real answers! CEO Dennis Whitman shares his heart, his story, and testifies to the way Christ can radically change lives! If you know a teenager who is caught in the web of addictions or conditions that control them, then this incredible narrative may start the process of changing a critical life!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
9:00 PM
Darwin Benjamin--Lives Transformed!
Hear this hard-hitting but compassionate story of a tough guy from the streets of L.A., whose drug use and fast lifestyle caught up with him when one of his newborn twins died. Something changed…it seemed God spoke through her to Darwin Benjamin. Now, God uses Darwin’s incredible story to bless young men and women headed for tough times through amazing feats of physical strength—and great testimony of God’s transforming spiritual strength!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
8:43 PM
Monday, February 27, 2006
Ministering to the "Differently Abled!"
Christian Berets--This dynamic ministry has been enriching the lives of differently abled children for over thirty years! New CEO Dave Shackelford shares new developments and opportunities to serve. Patti Zaske was told 32 years ago that her Down Syndrome son, Randy, would never walk or speak. She found Christian Berets to be a wonderful key to unlocking Randy's potential (by the way, Randy was featured at a Kings basketball halftime show a few years ago, as he sunk a 3-pointer from half court--facing backwards to the basket!). Patti shares her heart on this very special edition of Lighthouse Live!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:34 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Calvary Lutheran Quilters--Warming Bodies and Souls!
Amazing! A small group of people with a passion to help others wind up giving away about 1800 hand-made quilts to people in need...from Modesto to China!
Hear the heart-warming story, and perhaps be inspired to put your talents to work for the Lord in new and creative ways!
Guests from Calvary Lutheran Church in Modesto.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
10:49 PM
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Biblical Principles for Enriching Your Marriage!
Discover Biblical truths and new insights into enriching your marriage--just in time for Valentine's Day! Great insights from three expert marriage counselors/coaches!
Guests: Pastor Terry Benner, First Baptist Church of Modesto; Dr. Jim Henman, Therapist/Coach; Steve Lawson, Lawson Counseling.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
12:30 PM
Monday, January 30, 2006
Pursuing His Purposes!
ACMC's upcoming PURSUING HIS PURPOSES California Regional Conference is the focus of today's broadcast. It's all about equipping all of us to fulfill the Great Commission, wherever we are! Guests: Rev. John Dupree, ACMC Pacific Central Regional Director; Marielle Dupree; Rev. Ron Harder, Trans World Radio; and Rev. Greg Hazenberg.
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
7:45 PM
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Combating Elder Abuse
The abuse of elderly people in our society has become a major concern. Learn how to recognize the signs of abuse, how to protect your loved ones, and how to cope with being the "care giver"! The Ombudsman program for Stanislaus County is featured...the same resources exist in other counties as well!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
9:50 PM
Invest YOUR Time in Children through S.P.I.E.!
Have a heart for children? Learn how to radically impact young lives by volunteering with Stanislaus Partners in Education!
Posted by
Advancing Vibrant Communities
9:31 PM