Monday, April 23, 2012

The Little House That Cares

High octane motivation! An incredible journey into the lives of the blind--those blind from birth, and those who lost sight as adults--as told by our very special guests: Marty Lanser, Janet Gearhart, Ruth McKinsey, and Jon Brooks. The book discussed is "The Little House That Cares", inspiring stories from 17 authors associated with the Visually Impaired Persons Support Center in Modesto: 209-522-8477

1 comment:

Bree Noble said...

Enjoyed the show. I am so glad VIPS is getting some recognition for what they do for the community and for this wonderful book. I brought the book for the first time to one of my speaking/singing events last week and people were very excited about it. Thanks for playing my song "You Are My Vision".